Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Cool video, images of abort system test

Floriday Today (the newspaper for the KSC area) has one of the best space blogs. Click on the link in the article for the video to see the test firing of the escape system for the new Orion capsule.

via FLORIDA TODAY Space Team Blog by SpaceTeam on 4/15/08


Constellation testing is going on all over the country and, every once in a while, NASA offers neat pictures and video of development work.

New images and video are out this week showing the successful test of a jettison motor for the escape system for the new Ares 1 rocket and Orion crew exploration vehicle. NASA says the tests - conducted March 27 - went well and provided the team with data needed to continue development.

A full test of the Launch Abort System for the new rocket and spaceship is planned for later this year at White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico.

The jettison motor tested last month would be used to separate the launch escape system from the Orion spacecraft after it's no longer needed following safe launch. It also could be fired in an emergency to separate the escape system components from the Orion capsule once the abort system has done its job.

You can click on the picture above for a larger version or click here to see a video of the test firing

- John Kelly

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