Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Problems with Dell...anyone relate?

I was excited to receive our new Dell desktop today. I ordered it to replace the old one Danielle is using to handle orders for the online used bookstore. Everything was up and running quickly except for one thing. I ordered Quicken Home and Business along with the desktop and I didn't see it installed. I looked through the stack of CDs and didn't notice it there either. When I finally received the invoice I noticed it was missing on the list.

So I called tech support. Tech support said it wasn't a technical issue and I had to talk to customer care (customer service). Customer care routed me to sales who routed me back to customer care (cue the circus clown music here). I hate getting the run around when trying to fix a problem.

When I placed the original order online I kept the e-mail stating what I ordered (the desktop, Quicken software, discount, taxes, and S&H). The total in the original e-mail matched the total on the invoice of the box I received except no Quicken was sent. So I felt like I was in the Bizarro world because in our discussion the rep from Dell would say, "We didn't charge you for Quicken" because Quicken wasn't on the invoice. No duh because it wasn't sent to me, but the total remained the same! There was no adjustment from the original order confirmation. When I moved the conversation to the confirmation e-mail they said that they cannot verify that information and I cannot e-mail them my copy of the confirmation e-mail.

Then (you'll love this) they said my only option was to RETURN the computer and put in a new order. That's not acceptible because the downtime for the business of sending it back and waiting for a new one would add up to much more than the value of the software alone. Why couldn't they just refund me the money or send me the CD? If I sent back the desktop how do I know this problem wouldn't happen again?

So I am taking my complaint through e-mail with customer care where I copy/paste the original order confirmation in my e-mail to CSR. Of course, I keep hearing that I wasn't charged for Quicken so it's not an issue and I keep explaining that somehow Dell's system dropped that line item between order and invoice but my total remained the same.

So, I'm taking this to the blog because after doing some Googling I found a site that says Dell does read blogs and doesn't like bad press. I also came across Michael Dell's e-mail and hope that it is valid. Also, I'll be contesting the charge on the credit card asking for the price of the software to be refunded.

Why are these things so hard? You make a mistake...own up to it!

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Anonymous said...

Hello Dave!

I'm sorry to hear you are having so many problems getting this issue straightened out.

Has Customer Care been able to resolve the problem?

If not, let's touch base and I'll see what I can do on my end.



Dave said...

Thanks ChrisBatDell, but I finally got a resolution. After replying back and forth to e-mail I was referred back to sales who forwarded me to returns. The person at returns worked to understand the problem and ship out the missing software.