Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Way cool crew photos!

The crew photo below is not your usual blue backdrop with an American flag and shuttle model. It's some really cool CG hangar with the NASA logo and an appearance of the shuttle just right behind them. The American flag is missing. I wonder if that's because of the international nature of the space station?

via FLORIDA TODAY Space Team Blog by SpaceTeam on 5/6/08

blog post photo


From the left are astronauts Gregory E. Chamitoff, Michael E. Fossum, both STS-124 mission specialists; Kenneth T. Ham, pilot; Mark E. Kelly, commander; Karen L. Nyberg, Ronald J. Garan and Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency's (JAXA) Akihiko Hoshide, all mission specialists. NASA photo.

The Terminal Countdown Demonstration Test, a launch rehearsal, begins today with the 5 p.m. arrival of Discovery's crew at Kennedy Space Center.

STS-124 is on schedule to launch May 31 on a 13-day mission to deliver the 37-foot Kibo laboratory to the International Space Station. Three spacewalks are scheduled.

Mark Kelly will command the mission. Ken Ham will be the pilot. Mission specialists are Karen Nyberg, Ron Garan, Mike Fossum, Greg Chamitoff and Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency astronaut Akihiko Hoshide.

Chamitoff will remain on the station as a resident crew member, replacing station flight engineer Garrett Reisman, who will return home on Discovery.

STS-124 is the 123rd shuttle flight, the 35th flight for Discovery and the 26th flight to the station.

Today's crew arrival will be broadcast live on NASA Television. You can watch it in The Flame Trench.

- Patrick Peterson

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