Thursday, April 30, 2009

Blast from the past

The internet is a great time machine.  I'm chuckling over some of posts about 15 years ago on the old Usenet news groups.  It looks like Google has indexed the posts.

From July 1994:
"Hi all, 

I've got varoius forms last year for a co-op application to KSC (SF-171   
(?) and other forms).  I still have them so can I still use those for a   
formal "full-time" application into KSC? 

How can I get an application to KSC, Houston, and other NASA locations? 
I'd want to apply for a mechanical engineering position. 

I hear that NASA may be hiring again!  Of course, what are the odds they'd   
hire someone fresh out of college? "

Keep in mind this was before widespread use of websites.  I actually had to get those NASA applications by snail mail.  Here's this really cheery reply by another poster on the group:
"I don't mean to discourage you, but a couple of co-ops who graduated from 
our school last year had to continue working as co-ops for about six months 
after graduation, until NASA hired them as full civil servants. 

According to the NASA FY'95 budget briefing earlier this year, NASA's 
civil service workforce will be cut from about 24,700 in FY'93 to 21,000 
in FY'99. "

So be careful what goes on the internet.  You'll never know what you'll find decades from now ;)

1 comment:

Danielle said...

Wow, it is sort of like a time capsule! I did not realize that you had tried to apply to NASA back then.